Consignment Sale

SC Homeschool Expo 2025 Consignment Sale

Friday, June 27 from 1-6 pm
Saturday, June 28 from 11 am-3 pm
Admission: $1/shopper

Got used books you want to sell? We want ’em! Every year, the shoppers tell us they wish there was more used books. We all love a deal. So, Cola City Expo can help rehome your used educational items.

  • You can register as a vendor in order to sell your own items and keep all the profits. CLICK HERE to get a vendor space.
  • You can consign your items with us instead. It’s so EASY! Cola City (in collaboration with HERO Homeschoolers) will sell the items for a small percentage of your listed prices.
    • CLICK HERE to create a NEW consignor account or
    • CLICK HERE to activate a RETURNING consignor account
      • Log in to activate this year’s sale
      • Forgot log-in available to reset your account, too!
  • If you just want to shop, sign up for the email list to get updates about admission tickets (Only $1/shopper)! Tickets can be purchased at the door. CLICK HERE for Mailing List Registration

FAQ’s for Consignors: 

  • What items can I sell? Gently used (or unused) curriculum, textbooks, educational materials, games, puzzles, and manipulatives. Educational furniture/desks, easels, dry erase boards, chalkboards, musical instruments. Picture books, chapter books, parenting books, books on CD, educational DVDs. 
  • How do I label and price my items? You determine the price of each item, depending on the condition and edition. When you log into the consignor’s portal, you’ll be able to create printable barcode tags for each item. We can print for you or you can print yourself. 
  • What is the consignor share? You will keep 70% of the listed price. No registration fee! The balance helps cover the overhead costs of the Cola City Homeschoolers and the SC Homeschool Expo.
  • What if I don’t have a printer? We can print the tags for you to pick up ahead of time or to place your labels during drop-off. 
  • How do I drop-off my items? In the consignor’s portal, you will select a drop off time, Thursday evening 5-6 pm or Friday morning, 10 am-noon. We will send you reminder emails with details about the drop-off options. A volunteer will greet you and assist with sorting your items into category placement. 
  • When do I pick-up my unsold items? Pick-up all leftover items at the end of the Expo on Saturday (4-6pm). Or you can let us know you’re donating your leftover items. 
  • When will I receive payment? Within 2 weeks after the sale, we will close out the payments. You can choose payment via check mailed to you or via PayPal. 
  • Great! How do I sign up to be a consignor? It’s quick and easy!
    • NEW Consignors: Click here and follow the instructions.
    • RETURNING Consignors: Click here to activite your account for this year’s sale


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