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Flipgrid Friday

November 27, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm


Flipgrid Friday: Weekly Challenge
by Cola City Homeschoolers
All Ages — FREE
Deadline: Nov 27 @noon

This week’s Flipgrid Challenge is: “Pets and Animals”. Record a video of your pet in our Flipgrid Club by Friday at noon. Could be a neighbor or relative’s pet. Could be squirrels or birds or lizards–wild animals you have in your yard. Could even be a pre-recorded video of an animal you saw at the zoo. Let’s talk about animals that you like.

Next week, we’ll have you vote on your favorites–and also get going on a new challenge!

Flipgrid is an online video sharing platform. This is a closed “classroom”–a safe place to show ‘n tell the fun things you’re learning and doing in your home school. We’ve set up several topic threads to get started on making connections around some common interests:

  • Introductions
  • Pets and Animals
  • Costumes
  • Hobbies and Fun Stuff
  • Jokes
  • Fun Places
  • Dance Moves
  • Science Experiments
  • Minecraft & Games

If you’d like to join the Flipgrid Club, fill out this form so we can send you a log in code to get you started!


November 27, 2020
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm


Virtual Event


Cola City Homeschoolers

Add your events to the calendar.
Contact: colacityinfo@gmail.com