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Flipgrid Friday
December 18, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Flipgrid Friday: Weekly Challenge
by Cola City Homeschoolers
All Ages — FREE
Deadline: December 18 @noon
This week’s Flipgrid Challenge is: “Holiday Celebrations”. Record a video of something special you do for the holidays in our Flipgrid Club by Friday at noon. If you’re participating in the card exchange, show off some of the cards you got. If you have a gingerbread house that you decorated, or made cookies or maybe your decorated Christmas tree. Maybe you celebrate Hannukah or Kwanzaa–or you learned about holidays around the world. Show and Tell about it!
Flipgrid is an online video sharing platform. This is a closed “classroom”–a safe place for the kids to show ‘n tell the fun things they’re learning and doing in your home school. Plus make connections with others during this time of social distancing. We can still socialize online! We’ve set up several topic threads to get started on making connections around some common interests:
- Introductions
- Pets and Animals
- Costumes
- Hobbies and Fun Stuff
- Jokes
- Fun Places
- Dance Moves
- Science Experiments
- Minecraft & Games
- Holidays
If you’d like to join the Flipgrid Club, fill out this form so we can send you a log in code to get you started!
Add your events to the calendar.
Contact: colacityinfo@gmail.com