Geocache Club
by Cola City Homeschoolers
Virtual Meet ups: Fridays at 2 pm
Ages 10+ — FREE
Geocachers of all experience levels (ages 10+ and parents) are invited to hang out together: learn more about geocaching, share favorite finds, and just have fun! Younger participants may attend with a parent. This club is hosted by Pamela Drayer (parent volunteer) and Elijah Drayer (student volunteer) on Fridays at 2 pm. It’s free to participate, but please register to get the zoom link via email. Note: younger paricipants may attends with a parent.
- Where have you been geocaching?
- What have you found in the cache box?
- What about trackables?
- More tricks, tips and hints for success.
- Let’s inspire each other each week so you have more stories to share about.
Contact: Pamela Drayer padrayer6@aim.com
If you’ve never tried geocaching before, this is a great one to start. The Geocache challenge at Harbison State Forest is a series of seven caches to locate along the learning trail near the education center. The worksheet that goes along with it includes questions to answer with each cache. When you find them all, you can turn in your worksheet for a souvenir coin.