Let Grow Play Club
by: Cola City Homeschoolers
FALL 2024
Especially for Ages 8+
This is not just another playground meet-up group. It’s a new kind of play program. Intentionally designed to foster independence, social development, problem solving–for all ages. Watch the orientation replay click here
The Club is the brainchild of Let Grow co-founder Dr. Peter Gray, the eminent psychologist who has spent his life studying the crucial role of unstructured, mixed-age “free play” in developing children’s creativity, confidence, and ability to thrive.
- By organizing their own games and learning to solve the inevitable spats, kids learn real-world social skills. You can’t solve problems if there’s always an adult right there at recess or in a play group, solving them first!
- Mixed-age play benefits all kids. Older students develop responsibility, leadership and empathy. Younger kids learn executive function by trying to be like the big kids.
- Kids who are allowed to take small risks and figure things out themselves at home will have more grit and determination at school.
The Fall Session is on Wednsesdays from 1-3 pm thru September thru December. Check calendar for more details for meet-up location and activity preparations (ie: sunscreen, playground equipment). Spring Session TBA.
We hope to see this grow and expand to more projects and activities to develop interpersonal connections as well as personal agency.
Contact Kim with any questions or to brainstorm ideas: [email protected]